Doctor's Own Urgent Care


Urgent Care located in Winston Salem, NC


Lacerations services offered in Winston Salem, NC

If you experience a deep cut or tear in your skin, you may require stitches. Trent Dietsche, DO, and the qualified team at Doctor's Own Urgent Care in Winston Salem, North Carolina, can help. They offer laceration treatment to clean, disinfect, stitch up, and bandage your wound to help it heal properly. The next time you or your child has a deep laceration, schedule an appointment with Doctor's Own Urgent Care over the phone, online, or simply walk in during normal business hours.

What is a laceration?

A laceration is torn soft tissue that’s often jagged or irregular. Lacerations can get contaminated with bacteria or other debris and may require treatment to heal properly and prevent infection. 

A laceration can occur when your skin comes in contact with something sharp, such as a knife, nail, or piece of glass. If you or your child has a deep laceration, visit Doctor’s Own Urgent Care for an evaluation.

What should I do after a laceration?

If you experience a laceration, immediately apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. Clean the area with gentle soap and warm water, and apply an antibiotic ointment if you can. 

Put a bandage on your laceration and head to Doctor's Own Urgent Care if your cut is deep, painful, doesn’t stop bleeding, or if you haven’t had a tetanus shot or booster within the last 5-10 years. 

If you’re unsure if you require medical treatment for a laceration, call Doctor's Own Urgent Care to speak with a specialist before making an appointment.

How are lacerations treated?

When you arrive at Doctor's Own Urgent Care, a highly qualified provider examines the injured area and reviews your medical history. They ensure your wound is clean, disinfect it, and let you know if you require stitches. 

If so, they can numb the treatment area and stitch up your wound to help it heal properly. Stitches may dissolve on their own over time. Your provider lets you know if you require a tetanus shot to prevent infection. For minor lacerations, your urgent care specialist may use medical tape to close the wound. 

What happens after treatment?

You can go home immediately after laceration care. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever if you experience pain or tenderness at the treatment site. Keep the area clean and apply antibiotic ointment if your provider recommends it. 

Contact Doctor's Own Urgent Care following laceration treatment if you experience signs of infection, such as redness, warmth, swelling, pus and fluid drainage, or worsening pain. 

To prevent poor wound healing or infection, don’t let deep lacerations go untreated. Schedule an appointment with Doctor's Own Urgent Care over the phone or simply walk in today.